Sunday, August 15, 2010

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use of organic and conventional products

Well, for those who are torn between the use of organic and conventional products, the answer of effectiveness is not easy. You should realize that external factors such as skin type, pigmentation and physical reactions to chemical substances that all have a role in creating results. Some skin tends to be more resilient, while others are more sensitive. Oily and dry skin in the game and should be considered when choosing a product.

As you can see, it's not just about the product itself, but also how well you know your skin. Now when it comes to the specific question of effectiveness can not tell you the precise answer is not. Of course you will be able to find many and many articles are showing that natural or organic producten is more effective, or that professional products will produce better results but in a sense, all this information will only lead to further confusion for those who are looking for.

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